
The Revenue-Focused Marketer

The marketing landscape is transforming rapidly with AI. This podcast explores the intersection of AI and marketing, covering no-code technology, ethical considerations, and evolving customer journeys. Discover how AI reshapes media buying, B2B sales, SEO, and personalization. Join Xan Hong as he talks about AI’s democratization of technology, its impact on roles, ethical dilemmas, and the need for marketers to adapt.

By tuning in to this episode, you will learn about:
  • Navigating the AI Revolution in Marketing
  • The Future of No-Code and AI Integration
  • Ethics and AI: A Marketer’s Dilemma

Featured Speakers:-

Xan Hong

Xan Hong

Owner/Consultant- Drive Phase Consulting

Xan is a passionate no-code developer dedicated to helping companies bring their tech ideas to life with unparalleled efficiency and innovation. With a strong expertise in tools like Bubble.io, WeWeb, Xano, Webflow, and Go High Level, he empowers businesses to achieve their goals swiftly and cost-effectively.


Harshika Chadha

Lead Product Manager - DiGGrowth

Harshika is a seasoned product manager with a passion for business transformation, design thinking, technology, marketing trends, SaaS security, and human-computer interactions. What interests her most is the intersection of these fields, which is why she stays on top of the latest industry insights to uncover strategies for success in today's dynamic business landscape.

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Hello and welcome to another episode of the revenue focused marketer where we discuss anything and everything related to marketing as well as data.

Today I have a very special guest with me, and his name is Sam Hong.

He’s joining us from Driver Face Consulting, and Sam, thank you so much for joining us today.

Yeah, thanks for having me.

A pleasure to be here.

Awesome, so just for our listeners today, could you give, like, you know, a brief background about yourself and, you know, what you’ve been up to lately?

Yeah, so I run an agency called Drive Face Consulting, and we primarily build custom apps, but specifically we build it in using Noo technology and kind of relevant there is by using Noode technology, we’ve saved our clients over a million dollars in app development costs and a lot of what we build incorporates AI into them as you can imagine, a lot more clients are are asking to build some sort of AI functionality to a lot of the builds that we do.

, but, , but yeah, so, , that’s kind of the the bulk of what we do.


Thank you.

And you kind of mentioned, you know, no code technology and a lot of people have been asking you about AI.

I think it has become the sort of topic of, you know, at least the past couple conversations I’ve had, every conversation kind of leads to AI today.

So she did that.

Yeah, and I think given the fact that, you know, A lot of our listeners are very curious about marketing and the intersection of AI.

I think given your experiences, there are some questions I would love to deep dive dive into with you.

So I think we can kind of start off by some questions that I’ve been hearing out a lot, like, you know, will AI become a CMO replacement or is it just an assistant to kind of aid humans.

So I’d love to kind of, you know, get your thoughts on that to get started.

So I think let me preface that answer with I don’t think anyone knows because what I tell people the the the the comparison I always give, there’s a Wayne Gretzky quote that says, you know, I don’t I don’t skate to where the puck is, I skate to where the puck is going, but I’ve said over and over again with AI the challenges for the first time, it’s virtually impossible to know where the puck is going.

What I do tell people though, is when you look at the trajectory, right?

I think OpenAI was launched, you know, a few years ago at this point.

If you look at the strides that AI, you know, AI has made in just that short period of time, and then now you’ve got Deep Sea launched and, and I don’t even a lot most people didn’t even expect that to happen, and the big incremental change that represents, what I would tell you is, I don’t think AI is in the place right now to replace a lot of roles.

But if you play out the trajectory.

I don’t see it.

I almost don’t see a way that it can’t replace all those rules at some point in the future.

Now, is that 1 year, 2 years, or 10 years?

Who knows?

But I think the trend is going in that direction, and what I would also say is unlike a lot of past trends where the innovation was disruptive of kind of lower skilled jobs, I think the interesting thing about AI is it’s disrupted both lower skill and higher skilled job at kind of a a similar rate.

And so, yeah, do I see that happening?

Absolutely, because, you know, what, what we can’t really compete with as humans.

You know, I, I give the example.

I don’t know if there’s any Marvel fans in your, in your, , audience, but I’ve been watching the entire time out of Marvel movies, , with my daughter, , you know, in, in sequential order, and we just finished up Endgame, and there’s a scene there where, , Doctor Strange kind of, he kind of does.

This thing where he goes through 14 million scenarios and then says, OK, this is the one where we win, right?

And so I look at that almost as AI is the advantage that that they have over us, right?

Because they can simulate so many different scenarios so quickly and again, the, the more data it has, the better it can do that, where it’s like we can’t We can’t do that.

So, you know, I, I, I hate to do these conversations and not sound, you know, dystopian, but, but, you know, you play it out and that does seem to be where it goes, right?

And, and so I would say the answer is at some point, I do see that happening.

Yeah, and I think that’s sort of, you know, the stress that kind of comes with it.

I think you mentioned like, you know, it has so much data and the more data it gets, the better it gets.

But there’s also like, you know, a lot of people have been talking about the ethical concerns that comes with.

Data that you know, sort of, , AI has.

So what are your thoughts on that?

Like you, you kind of leverage AI in your work today also.

What do you think about the ethical considerations?

I struggle with it if I’m being honest with you.

I struggle with it because I think there is a lot of, it’s just like capitalism in general, right?

There’s a lot of good that can come from capitalism, and I think that’s true of AI.

There’s a lot of good that can come from AI.

But there’s also a lot of destruction that can come from AI as well.

And so I do struggle with, OK, am I contributing to, you know, the eventual unemployment of of a lot of people and At the same time, I I I don’t know if this is.

An excuse or not, but, but I’ve also come to the a couple realizations.

Number one is, this is happening whether I do it or not, right?

And I’ve also come to the realization that if I don’t do it, my competitors are, and so by not embracing it, I’m putting my own business at a disadvantage.

And so, you know, someone had said, you know, is our are our jobs going to be replaced by AI?

And the answer is probably not yet today, but what it’s definitely gonna get replaced by someone that understands AI if I don’t.

Does that make sense?

And so, , so yeah, I, I think there are a lot, a lot of ethic concerns.

I think the other piece of it.

That from an ethical standpoint that I, you know, you have to be aware of is.

Garbage in garbage out, right?

So if you’re feeding it bad data or biased data, right, then what comes out is going to be subpar or also biased, right?

And so I think those are all concerns that for those that are using AI that we do have to be aware of to, to make sure that we are at least kind of taking that into consideration when we are using.

I think garbage in garbage out is one of my favorite phrases here at Big growth also.

We’re heavy on data and even we have like we kind of work with no code connectors and I think a lot of what we do really depends on the quality of data we’re feeding, like, you know, our systems.

So I think that’s shedding light on that is such an important aspect.

, I think we can also kind of move forward in terms of like, you know, a lot of people.

I have been using AI lately, like GPT at least for content generation.

If everyone is using, you know, AI does marketing like kind of lose it like kind of differentiation, like how do you really compete in a market now where like all the emails, all the like you know things that people use in their typical marketing and reach out are starting to get very similar and they kind of lack differentiation.

So you’re not.

Unlocked and empowered.

I mean, have you, you know, if it starts with unlocked or power that she wrote that, right?

Yeah, so.

, or it’s got emojis all over the place.

It’s ship emojis, and so, yeah, no, .

Yeah, so I, I think it’s a great point, and One area where I think is an area that can.

Be a, so you’re right, the differentiation piece I think is kind of in danger, right, of, of kind of You know, you’re giving up the the steering wheel to to AI.

From a marketing perspective where I do think it has tremendous value, and I don’t think this is an area where I don’t think a lot of people are taking advantage of it.

is personalization, right?

So, like, cold email is a great example, right?

So, cold email, historically doesn’t do that well, because, you know, you’re getting the same message to to a lot of people, where I think you can leverage AI in a really powerful way, and again, I think you are differentiated if you do use it in this way, is taking the data that’s available to you.

And then running that through AI to then change that cold email into a hyper personalized message at scale, right?

And so that I think is kind of a use case where I think you are leveraging AI in a way that can kind of differentiate you from others because That’s not easy to do, because you have to create workflows to one gather the data, then kind of create very detailed prompts to take the data that’s available to you, and then create very personalized message, messages that is gonna resonate with that with that recipient.

And so I think there are ways to leverage AI to differentiate yourself.

Beyond just going into the, going into the off the shelf version of Chat GBT and then saying, hey, write, you know, write my Facebook post for me.

Does that, does that make sense?

And those are some areas where I do think if you can figure out how to do that, and again, stuff that’s easy.

Always lowers the bar for differentiation, because if everyone can do it, then then there’s no differentiation, but stuff that’s a little bit harder to do, I think, represents an opportunity because the harder it is to do, the less people that can do it, the more you can differentiate yourself.


And in the industry, have you also been seeing any impact of like, you know, AI and like sort of B2B sales and marketing alignment?

I know, like, you know, at the growth we’re kind of using like AI for predictive lead scoring and it’s able to really give more accuracy now that you know, you kind of have that opportunity to.

Is that something?

So B to be specifically.

I think it depends, right?

Like if you’re going after enterprise clients, like I, I don’t think you’re quite ready to, to hand the wheel over to that so much, right?

So maybe if you’re doing B2 B2B small business.

Which a lot of times I feel like kind of kind of.

Looks a little bit closer to B2C if that makes sense.

And so I think maybe you can use.

But, , , but I think B to B Enterprise.

I think it is a little bit stronger, you know, is more relationship based, and I think that Probably is in my opinion, maybe where you don’t necessarily want to Take some of the shortcuts per se, and really come across as genuine, right?

Like, I think, so I, I, I think it kind of depends.

I think if it depends on who that, like anything in marketing, right?

Like it depends on who that target market is, and so I think it’s a case by case, it might be industry based.

But, you know, I do know some of the people that I that I know that are targeting more like enterprise clients aren’t really necessarily using, you know, kind of the AI as heavily as as maybe some that are are doing B2C or kind of be a small business type of market.

So I guess there’s still like, you know, opportunity for growth there in terms of, you know, Yeah, what you’re saying with the lead scoring, like, I haven’t necessarily experienced that so much, but I can see that being Powerful But again I think the AI really brings value when it’s high volume.

And when you’re dealing with enterprise clients, I don’t think you’re typically dealing with high volume.

But I mean, I think you could still use it for some predictive scoring as well.

I don’t necessarily have experience with that, but, but, but I could definitely see where that has value.

Yeah, and how are you maybe, you know, seeing a shift in terms of customer journeys now that I, do you see that it’s making any impact on it like, or should we sort of continue using the typical stages that, you know?

You know, I think, again, I don’t necessarily have personal experience with that, but to your point, The more data that you have, I mean, let’s use Facebook as as an example, right?

Facebook ads are extremely efficient now because they have so much data on us and the predictive, you know, and they’re able to tie.

A host of kind of behavioral data to demographic data to predictive data, you know, and so, you know, I think you can apply that same type of scenario to other use cases.

So yeah, I, I think it can be highly effective in in in those scenarios.

I think it just comes down to You know, that there’s a lot of technical knowledge that needs to go into that, you know, analysis and then using that in a, in a very predictive way, like meaningful way, but, but yeah, I definitely could see that, , as, as being a value value add for from a haring perspective.

Yeah, and I think you mentioned Facebook ads, right?

So let’s, I guess, dive deeper into the scenario of how do you kind of see like future of media buying, right?

How do you see the ad budgets now for like, you know, CMOs out there?

How does one kind of go about navigating them?

Well, I mean, you know, kind of going down the AI route.

I’ll be honest, I’ve used a lot of AI tools.

To help with the audience selection, help with the creative generation, and if I’m being honest.

That’s out that’s out of some of the agencies we work with, right?

And so, you know, you kind of talked about that CMO route.

I mean, that’s kind of a good leading indicator that You know, we may not need, you, you know, a lot of small businesses or, or, you know, kind of SMBs can, can do media, , you know, media buying without having to, to go through a lot of agencies in the past.

, and so, , again, both from a creative standpoint, a strategy standpoint, but it goes back to what you’re saying though is You start to see a lot of the same strategies being used over and over again, at least until the AI, you know, I had a conversation a couple weeks ago, like, humans will always be more creative than AI.

I don’t know if I agree with that, but I think that’s definitely true today is, you know, AI will pick.

What it see the data tells it to will be most successful, but I can tell you kind of being in the startup world a while, I’ve also seen the same exact strategy work for one company and not work for another.

And so there’s really You know, unless, unless there’s some data points that I’m not seeing as to why that’s the case, you know, is AI gonna be able to pick up on what’s gonna work when?

Eventually it may, but, but, you know, there is something to be said of kind of having a human element and going back to your differentiation, kind of adding a human emotional touch to it, right?

Because we do, we do know that people buy on emotion, right?

And so is AI, you know, aware enough to be able to understand that it’s able to understand it from a Data analysis of huge data set, but doesn’t truly understand the why behind why it’s working?

Does that, you know, does that make sense?

And so, I think that’s where, you know, there are opportunities.

But again, it goes back to what’s hard, right?

Like it, it, it’s not easy to kind of figure some of those things out.

And so it’s, it’s easier to plug something in the chatick BT and and and go with it.

And, and yeah, I mean, it’ll get the job done, but will it truly differentiate that brand in a meaningful way.

, so that’s where I think as humans, I think we can still add A touch of of what can be the difference between a good campaign and a great campaign, right?


Yeah, and I think like AI is kind of pushing or forcing us to kind of rethink about some of the strategies we’ve been using, for example, AB testing, ah, I think.

Now instead of actually having to spend a lot of money in testing something, you can rely on some of the data that’s actually available out there, and it wouldn’t take you as long to gather that data and make informed decisions.

So I think in terms of efficiency, definitely people that aren’t already leveraging AI, I think definitely I really think.

Where the big opportunity is, and this honestly wouldn’t be possible without AI is kind of what I alluded to before is personalization at scale, like that, I think, is something that can really be a game changer, where you’re dynamically changing messaging based on the individual and the data that you know about that individual, and again, I I think that’s virtually impossible to do without AI, right?

Like, and so that’s where I see.

A huge opportunity, but again, it comes back to that’s not necessarily easy to do.

That’s not just putting a prompt in the, you know, Chad GBT like you have to create systems in place, , and processes to figure out, you know, a how to segment that audience, and then B, how do you personalize that, that data, you know, that messaging in a very meaningful way.

And so I think that’s really where, not even just cold email, but like even like you said, ad buying, right?

Like, Taking that and and dynamically updating the messaging and tweaking the messaging to really speak to an individual, and it, you know, what the, the, the marketers that get that right will definitely separate themselves, in my opinion.


And I think, , sort of changing gears here, , initially we talked about like, you know, more players sort of entering the market like it was Chad GPT being their entire age and now Deep CKI is kind of like, you know, the newest thing that’s been talked about.

Have you, you know, heard anything, done any research on that?

What are your thoughts on, like, you know.

, deep CKI right now and where do you think it’s heading?

Yeah, so I’ll be honest, I haven’t touched it and, and actually, I literally just saw something, I think it was ABC News this morning that a security firm analyzed the code, and they actually found code that suggests that data is being sent directly to the Chinese government.

Now, Deepink is also created as, as open source, so I think there might be ways to kind of create a version of Deep Seek that may not have that, but I haven’t touched it for that reason.

I, you know, my thought is if they’re banning TikTok for then then using AI that doesn’t seem like something I, I wanna, I wanna mess with, right?

Because the, the data that you’re giving, , you know, an AI is, it can be super, super personal, right?

So, so I have not touched that.

Yet for those concerned, and that was actually really, you know, confirmed this morning.

That’s the latest and that they said that was as of this morning that I that I heard that that and they said all security experts have confirmed they literally found lines within that code that suggests that that it goes directly to servers of an entity that is controlled by by the that is known to be controlled by the Chinese government.


Yeah, I think if we were concerned about the ethics when it came to sort of tragBT, these concerns get even more real.

Like if, if the Chinese government has the TikTok, you know, dance that I did, I’m like I love it with that, but, but you know, if they have kind of what’s my marketing strategy for XYZ, like that’s a little bit more sensitive.

So yeah, that’s where I’m a little bit more gun shy about taking a deep dive on on it.

So yeah, no, I have not touched it for that specific concern.

Definitely that makes sense.

And I kind of want to delve into the topic of like, where do you see the future of search in such an AI driven world and like, you know, what challenges do you think Google search engine face in this world right now because a lot of focus has been in the past on SEO and getting your Google ranks and like, you know, , what are your thoughts on how we search these days?

Yeah, I think Google is still, you know, number one, but, you know, I have an e-commerce business, and I, there was one sale that came in the other day where the source was chat GPT.

Yeah, like I hadn’t seen that in 4, so I was like, oh, but you do see more people starting to look at how do you optimize for AI and I think You, it comes down to generations, right?

So, Our first instinct, my, you know, I’m X, accent, and so, you know, our instinct is to Google, but, but there’s something to be said of of a chat conversational search environment, right?

And and so, you know, I look at my daughter who’s 12, right?

And so, She grew up with a a tablet, so, you know, I remember trying to use my, my laptop once, trying to swi, trying to swi my tablet, you know, on my desktop, my, my screen on my, on my laptop, right?

And so, I think and just hearing her like.

Searching for stuff, you know, just naturally, whereas like at 12, like I wasn’t search, you know, I wasn’t doing, you know, searches, and so I think like as we move on, I think you will see more people, more and more people searching in in a in a chat-like environment or whatever, whatever comes out, you know, again, it’s chat today, but it could be something else in the future, or voice, you know, voice AI or, you know, something, something like that.

So I do think.

That will start to change rapidly and again, it it makes sense that Google’s investing in Gemini and and and Microsoft, you know, investing in Open AI, you know, and, and things like that because it does seem like more and more people.

And again, I mean, now, most of my searches, the first result is an AI response to it, right?

And so.

So it is interesting.

But I will say, you do have to be careful like you probably need to fact check that a little bit better than I have, , because, you know, hallucin you know they call they refer to hallucination, that that that is real.

I mean those things do happen and so I do think you have to be a little bit careful of that, but but I do do think it’s gonna move in that direction and probably move fairly quickly, so.

Yeah, and workers that are kind of, you know, still trying to get.

The like, even if you know your e-commerce commerce business you mentioned, you want to be able to get like attention of customers that might be a right fit for you.

So like, you know, now what do you think people should start doing in terms of marketing?

Why should they invest their energies to kind of like, you know, get more of the insights even if it’s Gemini, you know, kind of giving those insights at the top.

How can marketers really put themselves out there so their brand is recognized?

So that’s a great question, and I’ll be honest with you, you know, I’m fairly knowledgeable at SEO.

I’m not as knowledgeable as to what will optimize for AI, , if I’m being honest now.

I suspect that for now, there’s a lot of the same things, right?

Because a lot of the knowledge that it’s coming from is probably coming from search results, right?

So if it, you know, if you the top of the search results, and it will probably help, but as far as the technical aspects of what, you know, Like you even see with SEO back clicking has become in back like it used to be the end all be all for SEO, and I’ve seen that become.

You know, I think it’s still important, but I also think it used to be a pure volume game, and now I’ve seen it become more of a quality versus quantity, , and so, you know, that’s changing very quickly as well.

And so I, I think, I do think, you know, I, I, I, I’ve had this conversation with someone else.

I think the biggest challenge to to humans is at the end of the day, AI, it’s the speed aspect, right?

It’s, it’s how quickly things change now.

Where I tell people like, you almost have to place a bet on what you think is gonna happen, and then and then go all into that, because as humans we can adapt quick enough for the technology, and so, you know, again, I, I do know code and so I’m essentially having to place a bet on what platforms I think are gonna kind of what the queen is gonna rise to the top, because I can’t learn these platforms quick enough to, you know, if if I’m wrong, and so I think the same thing is true about this is you need to just be nimble because I don’t have the answer to that because it’s again, it’s changing so quickly, you need to find ways to kind of hedge your bets a little bit and kind of you you almost have to be a jack of all trades so that you can, you can adjust as the technology, the predominant technology adjusts, but I don’t know if I know the answer to that, if I’m just Yeah.

That makes sense.

I think it is like, you know.

A lot of it will change with how AI is changing, and I think that leads me to my sort of last question here for you today.

Ah, where, where do you kind of see, you know, the future of AI?

Like is it agentic AI?

Like is it, you know, Gen AI is gonna keep growing?

Is it within search that we’re gonna kind of see more growth?

What are your personal thoughts on like?

, what’s next to come for AI?

That’s a good question.

I think the answer is yes to all the things you just said, , because I think.

Where I see a lot of people, where I see the progress happening like within even the work that we do is different people making AI their own and applying it to Their own niche use cases, right?

And so I see a lot of AI, but I also see people chaining multiple AI agents together as well.

And so, and then I think the other piece of it is You got Elon Musk and is kind of adding the the robot aspect to it.

Now, you know, where AI didn’t have a physical connection to the world, now you’re adding that element to it as well.

And so, although it probably doesn’t apply as much in marketing per se, but I think You know, the combination, and even throwing no code into the mix, and now AI generated code, I think also kind of does the same thing, is It allows people to innovate within their kind of niche very quickly, whereas technology, you know, the beauty of AI and no code and AI generated code is it’s made technology accessible, it’s democratized access to technology in a way that, you know, it used to be the big companies were the only ones to be able to build some of this custom technology.

Now, A kid in their basement can build really robust technology very quickly, and so I think that’s gonna only add to the innovation.

But I also think it.

Lowers the bar, which makes it really competitive in anything that you do.

And so it really is going to be interesting how that plays out.

But I do think the interesting thing is just again, like what I said is it just democratizes technology, and so you’re allowing a lot more people to be able to innovate in a lot more different fields that in the past would not have been able to have access to the technology purely because of cost, right?

And so now they have access to this, and so I think you’ll see really fragmented uses of of the technology because everyone’s gonna be able to apply it to their specific use case.

Is that that I don’t know if that’s a direct answer to your question, but that’s, that’s kind of where I see things going just because of the access that people have now.


No, thank you so much.

This has definitely been such a fascinating conversation, and I think it’s safe to say that AI is clearly reshaping the way we think, but like, you know, any technology or tool, it’s also about how we use it.

And I think for those marketers out there that are still kind of hesitant to utilize AI, I think something that you said to me before really stands out is like, You have to step into the game now because that’s what your competitors are doing, right?

So I think just by like, like, you know, getting yourself to it like getting that exposure, it’s gonna make a lot of difference.

So I think thank you again for such a wonderful conversation.

Before we wrap up, I just wanted to, you know, have you tell our listeners like, you know, where can people learn more about your work and how can they kind of, you know, reach out to you.

Yeah, so they can visit our website which is www.d drive D R I V E P H A S E.co, not dot com dotco.

You know, on there, you can schedule a free consultation with us, you know, we talk to anyone and you You can see a lot of our case studies on there, all our shows on there as well.

I do a lot of content on YouTube and, and other channels, really just educating more so on no code, but you know, some on AI as well on just kind of the, the benefits and as I talked about just the access that’s now available to people where, you know, it doesn’t cost a million dollars now.

In fact, we’ve saved our clients a million dollars in in that development costs by by using code, no code.


As I said, you know, the beauty of, of the technology, the, the, the upside to it is just the democratization, the access that that a lot of these technologies provide to everyone, but it comes back to what you just said is It doesn’t, you know, it’s accessible, but it doesn’t mean that it’s just gonna come to you.

You still have to put in the work, educate yourself, and, and just go in and try and and utilize it, , you know, and, and, and test it out and experiment and and not be afraid to fail with it.

Right, yeah, so thank you so much again for joining us today and to our listeners, if you enjoyed this episode, feel free to, you know, share your thoughts and let us know what your thoughts are on AI and how it’s really reshaping your thinking or your business.

So see you next time and thank you again.

Thanks again.


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